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Dive into the subconscious to see what’s really driving the decisions you make.
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are you in control, or is your brain controlling you? Dive into the latest research on the subconscious with neuroscientist Heather Berlin. Sleepwalking, anesthesia, game theory, and more reveal surprising insights in this eye-opening journey to discover what’s really driving the decisions you make.
00:00 Introduction
03:22 Sleepwalking and the Brain
08:36 Anesthesia and the Brain
14:18 Results of Split Brain Surgery
22:23 Emotions and the Brain
30:01 How Does Trauma Affect the Brain?
35:39 How Much Control Do We Have of Our Brain?
45:44 Creativity and the Brain
50:17 Conclusion
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#brainscience #perception #neuroscience #consciousness #subconscious #subconsciousmind
Flexible Buildings: The Future of Architecture | Engineering Documentary
World's Tallest Tower: Burj Khalifa - Dubai's Vertical City: https://youtu.be/NJI8mOv4VW4
Never before have there been so many people on Earth. The new world creates new challenges for us living together, one of the biggest being the infrastructure in the world we live in.
How can we ensure that the cities anonomyzing and isolating its inhabitants become places of encounter again? How can we use technology to create new spaces in areas where there is no space left? How can sustainable construction revolutionize the construction industry? - In the search for answers, the documentary presents current concepts and implementations from the core disciplines of architecture, development of building materials, and urban design.
Subscribe Free Documentary Channel for free: https://bit.ly/2YJ4XzQ
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#freedocumentary #documentary #flexible Buildings
Free Documentary is dedicated to bringing high-class documentaries to you on YouTube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.
Enjoy stories about nature, wildlife, culture, people, history and more to come.
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-....physics-of-the-harde
In the third act of "Swan Lake", the Black Swan pulls off a seemingly endless series of turns, bobbing up and down on one pointed foot and spinning around and around and around ... thirty-two times. How is this move — which is called a fouetté — even possible? Arleen Sugano unravels the physics of this famous ballet move.
Lesson by Arlene Sugano, animation by Dancing Line Productions.
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In this video, I flew out to Toronto to get the full story of Hush Blankets. Aaron and Leor started this business while working their 9-5's, and they made one of the craziest rebounds I've ever seen from an ecommerce business - the best part, Aaron shared exactly how they did it.
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There's a massive cost that every developed economy has to deal with that nobody talks about... Infrastructure maintenance. It sounds boring but all of those developments that governments love to talk up can end up costing a fortune to maintain. So what can we do about this and why is this such a problem?
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#economicsexplained #infrastructure #infrastructuremaintenance
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Want to support my work? You can sign up for a paid subscription to my newsletter and YouTube channel here - https://www.distilled.earth/In this video we cover enhanced geothermal and the role it could play in decarbonizing the world's electric grid.Recently there have been a series of breakthroughs in enhanced geothermal systems, an advanced method of generating electricity from the Earth’s heat. If these developments continue, geothermal could generate between 10 and 20 percent of the country’s electricity in the coming decades, according to recent studies from the Department of Energy and Princeton.Enhanced geothermal could also solve one of clean energy’s biggest problems: intermittency. Unlike solar and wind, geothermal power plants can operate at all hours of the day, no matter the weather or time of year. In this story, I’ll cover the past, present, and future of enhanced geothermal and look at what needs to happen in order for the technology to play a large role in decarbonizing America’s power sector.All sources can be found in my article on the same topic here: https://www.distilled.earth/p/....the-new-clean-energy #technology #sustainability #geothermal #energy
💥Accounting Cycle Cheat Sheet → https://accountingstuff.com/shop
🖊Accounting Practice Questions → https://accountingstuff.com/practice-questions
Would you like to know what Accounting REALLY MEANS? In this short tutorial we'll take 1 simple example and follow it through all 8 Steps of the Accounting Cycle - from start to finish - you'll build a solid understanding of all the Accounting Basics we encounter along the way. Stuff like the Accounting Equation, Debits & Credits, Double-Entry Accounting, T-Accounts, the Trial Balance etc.
If you're an Accounting Beginner, then I recommend watching this all the way through to the end - at least once - to get a complete picture of how Accounting works. Afterwards, you can jump into my Accounting Basics Playlist (see below) and explore every topic in more detail.
▪ The Full Playlist → https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL5zKSeS09l3
▪ Equity Video → https://youtu.be/Fr5oHEYrT2A
🔴Subscribe for more Accounting Tutorials → https://geni.us/subtothechannel
00:00 - Intro
00:16 - What is Financial Accounting?
01:32 - What is a Journal Entry?
01:36 - What does a Journal Entry look like?
02:05 - What is Double Entry Accounting?
02:58 - What is the Accounting Equation?
04:22 - What is the General Ledger?
04:43 - Posting to Accounts
04:49 - What is an Account?
04:58 - The 6 Types of Account - Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Revenue, Expenses & Dividends
05:21 - What are T-Accounts?
06:00 - What does the General Ledger look like?
06:22 - What is a Trial Balance?
06:43 - How to build a Trial Balance
07:10 - Why is it called Trial Balance?
07:32 - What are Adjusting Entries?
07:40 - IFRS vs GAAP
08:21 - What is the Accrual Method of Accounting?
08:41 - Adjusting Entries Example
10:44 - What are Financial Statements?
10:59 - What are the three types of Financial Statements?
11:10 - What is the Balance Sheet?
11:28 - What is the Income Statement?
11:43 - Profit vs Cash Flow
11:54 - What is the Cash Flow Statement?
12:04 - Who would use Financial Statements?
12:41 - What are Closing Entries?
12:51 - Closing Entries Example
13:10 - Post Closing Trial Balance
▪ My Favourite Accounting Book for Beginners → http://geni.us/5mKR7m
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Some of the links above are affiliate links, where I earn a small commission if you click on the link and purchase an item. You are not obligated to do so, but it does help fund these videos in hopes of bringing value to you!
#accounting #accountingbasics #accountingstuff
An inside look at the basic systems that make up a standard car engine.
Alternate languages:
Español: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpLfFcfgtzE
Get on Patreon and help fund my 3D animation obsession! It wouldn't feel right to put sponsorship segments in the middle of high quality educational content, so let's try another way together:
Need 3D illustration and animation? Have suggestions for what to explain next? Animagraffs can help! Let's chat: https://animagraffs.com/contact/
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See more explanations of how things work at: https://animagraffs.com/
I use Blender 3D to create these models. It's free and open source, and the community is amazing:
0:00 Intro
0:14 4 Stroke Cycle
1:22 Firing Order
1:36 Camshaft / Timing Belt
1:56 Crankshaft
2:15 Block / Heads
2:35 V6 / V8
3:02 Air Intake
3:25 Fuel
3:54 Cooling
5:02 Electrical
6:06 Oil
7:03 Exhaust
7:28 Full Model
If you watch this video you'll get 30 years of business knowledge in 2hrs 26mins.
That's right, my entire career of business knowledge and entrepreneurship condensed into one video.
You'll learn the complete A-Z guide of how to start a business in 2024. This will help you take action on your business ideas and find business success.
Support me on my mission to help people pursue their dreams by pre-ordering my book:
0:00 Intro
2:57 How To Start A Business With No Money
11:25 How To Win
17:34 How To Lose
20:44 How To Do A Mind Map (Business Plan)
28:15 How To Find Purpose
34:34 How To Find A Co-founder
40:27 How To Sell
48:55 How To Market Your Business
1:01:08 How To PR Your Business
1:07:28 How To Get An Investor
1:23:23 How To Get Sponsors
1:32:45 How To Build A Brand
1:42:46 How To Hire, Grow And Build
1:52:31 How To Fire Someone
1:58:27 How To Go Global
2:02:02 How To Get A Mentor
2:08:37 How Equity Works
2:19:53 How To Sell Your Business
Brown University computer scientist Ellie Pavlick is translating philosophical concepts such as “understanding” and “meaning” into concrete ideas that are testable on LLMs.
Read more at Quanta Magazine: https://www.quantamagazine.org..../does-ai-know-what-a
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Quanta Magazine is an editorially independent publication supported by the Simons Foundation: https://www.simonsfoundation.org/
A simple, elegant Pan Seared Salmon recipe in a lemon browned butter sauce. Master this easy (10-minute) method for how to cook salmon in a pan. You won’t believe the easy ingredients!
⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ RECIPE BELOW ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
►1 1/4 lb skinless boneless salmon filets cut into 4 filets (5 oz each about 1" thick)
►1/2 tsp salt
►1/8 tsp black pepper
►4 Tbsp unsalted butter
►1 tsp grated lemon zest
►4 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice from 2 lemons
►1 Tbsp fresh parsley, minced
🖨 PRINT THIS RECIPE: https://natashaskitchen.com/pa....n-seared-salmon-with
►Healthy Cobb Seafood Salmon Salad with Easy Salad Dressing - https://youtu.be/Z5oocJROdsk
►Apricot Dijon Glazed Salmon and Broccoli (One Pan Meal) - https://youtu.be/vvgGk9t54XA
►Avocado Salmon Salad Recipe - https://youtu.be/vbV1h68Mnms
►Smoked Salmon Salad Recipe - Russian Shuba with a Twist - https://youtu.be/WPPARIBNRU8
►How To Make Salmon Cakes Recipe - Quick and Easy Salmon Patties -https://youtu.be/gOwBlnSmuxw
►Easy One-Pan Salmon and Asparagus Recipe - https://youtu.be/Kdq3khk_8n0
►Grilled Maple Salmon - Natasha's Kitchen - https://youtu.be/BQ2CzDsSBRM
►Baked Salmon with Garlic and Dijon - https://youtu.be/iD4bKotwdjg
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"Flaming Energy" | Free Background Music by Nicolai Heidlas
Royalty Free Music from HookSounds" - http://www.hooksounds.com
#natashaskitchen #salmon #seafood
ALL OF PHYSICS in 14 Minutes: https://youtu.be/ZAqIoDhornk
Everything is made of atoms. Chemistry is the study of how they interact, and is known to be confusing, difficult, complicated...let's learn General Chemistry in under 20 Minutes.
This is not ALL of Chemistry, as fields like "Organic Chemistry" deserve videos of their own. But, this is the foundation, or "General Chemistry", which contains most concepts you need to know to understand other topics and fields of Chemistry.
This is a summary and revision of around 4 years of Chemistry you learn in school, with maybe some university level concepts sprinkled in the mix.
This video is a good summary for preparing for exams and finals. Maybe. Perhaps.
Now go learn all of Chemistry. And share this with your friends who suck at Chemistry
00:00 Intro
00:16 Valence Electrons
00:34 Periodic Table
01:24 Isotopes
01:34 Ions
01:47 How to read the Periodic Table
02:09 Molecules & Compounds
02:27 Molecular Formula & Isomers
02:53 Lewis-Dot-Structures
03:03 Why atoms bond
03:26 Covalent Bonds
03:37 Electronegativity
03:54 Ionic Bonds & Salts
04:25 Metallic Bonds
04:59 Polarity
05:37 Intermolecular Forces
05:51 Hydrogen Bonds
06:00 Van der Waals Forces
06:20 Solubility
06:46 Surfactants
07:00 Forces ranked by Strength
07:07 States of Matter
07:28 Temperature & Entropy
07:49 Melting Points
08:01 Plasma & Emission Spectrum
08:35 Mixtures
09:24 Types of Chemical Reactions
09:45 Stoichiometry & Balancing Equations
10:16 The Mole
10:46 Physical vs Chemical Change
11:05 Activation Energy & Catalysts
11:24 Reaction Energy & Enthalpy
11:42 Gibbs Free Energy
12:50 Chemical Equilibriums
13:15 Acid-Base Chemistry
13:41 Acidity, Basicity, pH & pOH
14:43 Neutralisation Reactions
14:56 Redox Reactions
15:18 Oxidation Numbers
16:01 Quantum Chemistry
Music by Audionautix.com
🔍 In this video, we unravel the layers of AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and their applications in tools like #chatgpt and Google #bard
we first go through how AI is a broad field of study that encompasses #machinelearning as a sub-field.
We then break down Machine Learning into supervised and unsupervised models, using real-world examples to illustrate their functions and differences.
We move deeper into Deep Learning: Learn about artificial neural networks and the power of semi-supervised learning in applications like fraud detection in banking.
Then we delve into Generative AI, differentiating it from discriminative models and demonstrating its capabilities in creating new, innovative outputs.
Finally we walk through Large Language Models (LLMs) and uncover the significance of LLMs in AI, their pre-training processes, and their customization for specific industry applications
00:00 Google’s AI Course in 10 Minutes
00:38 What is Artificial Intelligence?
01:27 What is Machine Learning?
03:28 What is Deep Learning?
05:15 What is Generative AI?
07:05 What are Large Language Models?
Google’s full course: https://www.cloudskillsboost.g....oogle/course_templat
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*👨🏻💻 WHO AM I:*
I'm Jeff, a tech professional trying to figure life out. What I do end up figuring out, I share!
_PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links I get a kickback from and my opinions are my own and may not reflect that of my employer_ 😇
How does ballet convey narrative, emotion, and character? Dive into “The Sleeping Beauty” to see how a ballet creates its essential elements.
A baby cursed at birth. A fierce battle of good and evil. A true love awoken with a kiss. Since premiering in 1890, “The Sleeping Beauty” has become one of the most frequently staged ballets in history. So what makes this piece so beloved? And what exactly does ballet bring to this— or any other— story? Ming Luke shares what makes ballet the perfect medium for stories old and new.
Lesson by Ming Luke, directed by Visorama.
Animator's website: http://www.visorama.tv/
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View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/wha....t-s-the-point-e-of-b
Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Mehmet Yusuf Ertekin, Arlene Weston, phkphk123321, Jennifer Kurkoski, Ryan B Harvey, Austin Randall, Abhishek Bansal, Jayant Sahewal, Dian Atamyanov, igor romanenko, Jose Arcadio Valdes Franco, Brandy Sarver, Guy Hardy, Tu-Anh Nguyen, Karl Laius, Madee Lo, JY Kang, Marc Bou Zeid, Abhishek Goel, Charles A Hershberger, Coenraad Keuning, Robert Seik, Heidi Stolt, Alexis Hevia, Todd Gross, Brady Jones, Christina Salvatore, Zhong Ming Zenny Tan, Karisa Caudill, Bruno Pinho, Derek Drescher, Mihail Radu Pantilimon, Amin Shahril, Mohamed Elsayed, Barthélémy Michalon, Chumi Ogbonna, Karlee Finch, Mohammad Said, jj5252, Kelvin Lam, Mauricio Basso, Athena Grace Franco, Tirath Singh Pandher, Melvin Williams, Tsz Hin Edmund Chan, Nicolas Silva, Raymond Lee, Kurt Almendras, Denise A Pitts and Abdallah Absi.
99% of all internet traffic – from this video to your Pokemon Go account to your family WhatsApp group – runs on a hidden network of undersea cables. Why should you care? Because modern life is increasingly dependent on those slinky subaquatic wires. And they get attacked by sharks from time to time.
Imagery supplied via Getty Images
How The Internet Travels Across Oceans
Go to http://brilliant.org/BranchEducation/ for a 30-day free trial and expand your knowledge. The first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium membership.
Have you ever wondered how video game graphics have become incredibly realistic? How can GPUs and graphics cards render such incredibly detailed scenes? Well, in this video we're going to explore how just a bunch of data in your computer gets turned into realistic graphics. Additionally, we'll take a quick look into Ray Tracing, DLSS or Deep Learning Super Sampling, and many other complicated aspects of video game graphics.
We at Branch Education love to play video games, so this video has been one of our favorite ones to make thus far. It's kind of like getting to look under the hood of your childhood car. Also, it was surprising that practically all video games use similar basic steps to render each frame. Furthermore, as a fun fact, to create this video our team used 1x 3090ti, 3x 3090s, and the model that we tore down was a 3090.
There are just sooooo many topics in the realm of computer graphics that we couldn't cover. If you're interested in part 2 where we'll cover things like UVs, Normal Maps, Shadows, Reflections, Specular Reflections, and much more, tell us in the comments.
Do you want to support in-depth engineering and technology education? Support us at: https://www.patreon.com/brancheducation
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Table of Contents:
00:00 - Video Game Graphics
01:11 - Graphics Rendering Pipeline and Vertex Shading
04:16 - Video Game Consoles & Graphics Cards
05:06 - Rasterization
06:51 - Visibility Z Buffer Depth Buffer
10:03 - Pixel Fragment Shading
11:35 - The Math Behind Pixel Shading
14:05 - Vector Math & Brilliant Sponsorship
16:11 - Flat vs Smooth Shading
17:25 - An Appreciation for Video Games
17:58- Ray Tracing
18:45 - DLSS Deep Learning Super Sampling
19:06 - GPU Architecture and Types of Cores
20:06 - Future Videos on Advanced Topics
20:24 - Outro for Video Game Graphics
Key Branches from this video are: How do JPEGs Work? How does Computer Hardware Work?
Animation: Mike Radjabov, Prakash Kakadiya, Teddy Tablante
Script: Teddy Tablante
Twitter: @teddytablante
Modeling: Mike Radjabov, Prakash Kakadiya
Voice Over: Phil Lee
Sound Design: www.drilu.mx
Sound Effects and Music Editor: Raúl Núñez
Supervising Sound Editor and Mixer: Luis Huesca
Animation built using Blender 4.0.1 https://www.blender.org/
The most important resource for making this video was Cem Yuksel [ https://www.youtube.com/@cem_yuksel ] a professor in the School of Computing at the University of Utah. His online course on computer graphics and interactive graphics was incredibly useful.
"NVIDIA Ampere GA102 GPU Architecture" Second-Generation RTX. NVIDIA Corporation 2021
Wikipedia contributors. "Computer Animation" "Computer Graphics". "CUDA". "Graphics Pipeline". "History of Computer Animation". "NVIDIA". "Rasterization". Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Visited December 21nd 2023
#graphics #gpu #algorithm
In this animated video, Dr Hadzic share the three most common reasons why IV access fail. In Based on 3 decades of teaching and medical education, he has witnessed these three fundamental mistakes that are basis of most failures to secure an IV access. 1) The catheter is too short 2) The needle and catheter not inserted deep enough into the vein 3) The angle of needle insertion is too steep.
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Medicine is an ever-changing science. As new research and clinical experience broaden, changes in treatment and drug therapy are required. The authors and publishers have checked with sources believed to be reliable in efforts to provide accurate information within the available or accepted standards of care. However, given the possibility of human error or changes in medical practice, neither the authors nor the publisher, nor any other party involved in the preparation of this platform warrants that the information contained herein is in every aspect accurate or complete, and they disclaim all responsibility for any errors or omissions for the results obtained from the use of the information contained in this work. Readers are advised to confirm the information contained herein with other sources. For example, readers are advised to check the product information of each drug mentioned, and that any information contained on NYSORA's Youtube channel is accurate.
Sal Khan, the founder and CEO of Khan Academy, thinks artificial intelligence could spark the greatest positive transformation education has ever seen. He shares the opportunities he sees for students and educators to collaborate with AI tools -- including the potential of a personal AI tutor for every student and an AI teaching assistant for every teacher -- and demos some exciting new features for their educational chatbot, Khanmigo.
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A comprehensive plan—with goals, initiatives, and budgets–is comforting. But starting with a plan is a terrible way to make strategy. Roger Martin, former dean of the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto and one of the world’s leading thinkers on strategy, says developing strategy means going outside an organization’s comfort zone and escaping the common traps of strategic planning.00:00 Most strategic planning has nothing to do with strategy.01:00 So what is a strategy?02:08 Why do leaders so often focus on planning?04:05 Let's see a real-world example of strategy beating planning.06:33 How do I avoid the "planning trap"? For more from Roger Martin on this topic, read, "A New Way to Think: Your Guide to Superior Management Effectiveness": https://www.amazon.com/New-Way....-Think-Management-Ef Harvard Business Review:https://hbr.org/https://www.li....nkedin.com/company/h up for Newsletters: https://hbr.org/email-newslett....ers#HarvardBusinessR #strategy #rogermartincopyright © 2022 Harvard Business School Publishing. All rights reserved.#strategicplanning #planning #business #explainer #success #howto
What optical effects appear when we accelerate? Could we reach the speed of light? And what would we see when we try to go faster? All these answers in 15 minutes!
0:00 - Introduction
1:01 - Take-off
2:25 - Aberration of light
4:41 - Doppler effect
6:50 - Time dilation
7:48 - Length contraction
10:28 - Speed of light
12:24 - Warp drive
This video is narrated by Octave Masson.
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